The Wrapped Bouquet- Large

The Wrapped Bouquet- Large


Bring home a beautiful arrangement of the best the season has to offer. We have relationships with local farmers as well as farmers across the US and work with them to bring you the best flowers for your home.

Colors and composition vary week to week, but the colors will be sophisticated, and the design will be organic as seen in photos. The Wrapped Bouquet Large is a lush, organically composed bouquet that consists of approximately 35- 40 premium blooms and foliage. It’s wrapped with beautiful vellum paper and finished with a velvet ribbon tie. Finished with a complimentary hand-written note.

Orders require 2 days notice. We deliver between Tuesdays and Fridays. Delivery in Dallas and Fort Worth, the delivery radius is 35 miles from the Moss Floral Atelier studio. Delivery is $25 additional.

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